Kauppila, O.P., Bizzi, L., Obstfeld, D. (2024). Opening new brokerage opportunities while closing existing ones: The Tertius Iungens orientation as a source of network advantage, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45(1), 21-38. LINK.
Bizzi, L. (2024). At the origin of network centrality: How to design jobs to make employees central. Group & Organization Management, 49(1), 40-73. LINK.
Bizzi, L. (2023). How to gamify performance management? Consequences of user engagement in gamification. Information & Management, 60(3), 103762. LINK.
Bizzi, L., & Miller, D. (2022). Implementing Project-based alliances: Three paradoxes of brokerage. Journal of Management, 48(5),1214-1242. LINK.
Bizzi, L., & Evans, G. (2022). Proactive behaviors and the micro-foundations of strategy: exploring employees’ strategic voice. Management Decision, 60(9),2572-2592. LINK.
Labban, A.,& Bizzi, L. (2021). Communication via social media: How employees will paradoxically support the organization while putting less effort at work. International Journal of Business Communication, 60(2), 487-511. LINK.
Labban, A., & Bizzi, L. (2022). Are social media good or bad for employees? It depends on when they use them. Behaviour & Information Technology, 41(4), 678-693. LINK.
Bizzi, L. (2020). Should HR managers allow employees to use social media at work? Behavioral and motivational outcomes of employee blogging. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(10), 1285-1312. LINK.
Bizzi, L. (2020). Responsible job crafting. In Research Handbook of Responsible Management (pp. 583-593). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bizzi, L. & Labban, A. (2019). The double-edged impact of social media on online trading: Opportunities, threats, and recommendations for organizations, Business Horizons, 62(4): 509-519. LINK.
Bizzi, L. (2018). Employees who use social media for work are more engaged — but also more likely to leave their jobs, Harvard Business Review. LINK.
Kauppila, O.P., Bizzi, L., Obstfeld, D. (2018).Connecting and creating: Tertius Iungens, individual creativity, and strategic decision processes, Strategic Management Journal, 39(3): 697-719. LINK.
Bizzi, L. (2018). The problem of employees' network centrality and supervisors' error in performance appraisal: A multilevel theory, Human Resource Management, 57(2): 515-528. LINK.
Bizzi, L. (2018). The hidden problem of Facebook and social media at work: What if employees start searching for other jobs? Business Horizons, 61(1): 23-33. LINK.
Bizzi, L. (2017). Network characteristics: When others’ job influence your job. Human Relations, 70: 436-460. LINK.
Bizzi, L. (2017). The strategic role of financial slack on alliance formation, Management Decision, 55: 383:355. LINK.
Bizzi, L., (2015). Social capital in organizations. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 22. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 181–185.
Bizzi, L. (2013). The dark side of structural holes: A multilevel investigation. Journal of Management, 39, 1554-1578. LINK.
Soda, G. & Bizzi, L. (2012). Think different? An investigation of network antecedents and performance consequences of creativity as deviation, Strategic Organization, 10, 99-127. LINK.
Bizzi, L. & Langley, A. (2012). Studying process in and around networks, Industrial Marketing Management, 41, 224-234. LINK.
Bizzi, L. & Soda, G. (2011). The paradox of chameleons and authentic selves: Self-monitoring, perceived job autonomy, and contextual performance, British Journal of Management, 22, 324-339. LINK.