
Dr. Bizzi's research has been cited over 1,000 times. He has published in major scientific journals, such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Group & Organization Management, Human Relations, Industrial Marketing Management, and many others. He has been on the editorial board of prestigious scientific journals. His work has attracted widespread media attention and has been featured in news outlets worldwide.

Dr. Bizzi’s research focuses on social relationships at work. For twenty years he has been studying how managers and employees develop, reinforce, and maintain relationships with clients, peers, supervisors, and executives. In particular, he has been focusing on the structure of personal networks, and how they enable performance, making professionals better executive their tasks and achieve their goals. His research also focuses on social relationships developed through social media, and on how they affect work outcomes. Dr. Bizzi has been interested in exploring how professionals can harness the power of social networks to help managers and employees perform better at work.


Kauppila, O.P., Bizzi, L., Obstfeld, D. (2024). Opening new brokerage opportunities while closing existing ones: The Tertius Iungens orientation as a source of network advantage, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45(1), 21-38. LINK.

Bizzi, L. (2024). At the origin of network centrality: How to design jobs to make employees central. Group & Organization Management, 49(1), 40-73. LINK.

Bizzi, L. (2023). How to gamify performance management? Consequences of user engagement in gamification. Information & Management, 60(3), 103762. LINK.

Bizzi, L., & Miller, D. (2022). Implementing Project-based alliances: Three paradoxes of brokerage. Journal of Management48(5),1214-1242. LINK.

Bizzi, L., & Evans, G. (2022). Proactive behaviors and the micro-foundations of strategy: exploring employees’ strategic voice. Management Decision, 60(9),2572-2592. LINK.

Labban, A.,& Bizzi, L. (2021). Communication via social media: How employees will paradoxically support the organization while putting less effort at work. International Journal of Business Communication, 60(2), 487-511. LINK.

Labban, A., & Bizzi, L. (2022). Are social media good or bad for employees? It depends on when they use them. Behaviour & Information Technology41(4), 678-693. LINK.

Bizzi, L. (2020). Should HR managers allow employees to use social media at work? Behavioral and motivational outcomes of employee blogging. International Journal of Human Resource Management31(10), 1285-1312. LINK.

Bizzi, L. (2020). Responsible job crafting. In Research Handbook of Responsible Management (pp. 583-593). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Bizzi, L. & Labban, A. (2019). The double-edged impact of social media on online trading: Opportunities, threats, and recommendations for organizations, Business Horizons, 62(4): 509-519. LINK.

Bizzi, L. (2018). Employees who use social media for work are more engaged — but also more likely to leave their jobs, Harvard Business Review. LINK.

Kauppila, O.P., Bizzi, L., Obstfeld, D. (2018).Connecting and creating: Tertius Iungens, individual creativity, and strategic decision processes, Strategic Management Journal, 39(3): 697-719. LINK.

Bizzi, L. (2018). The problem of employees' network centrality and supervisors' error in performance appraisal: A multilevel theory, Human Resource Management, 57(2): 515-528. LINK.

Bizzi, L. (2018). The hidden problem of Facebook and social media at work: What if employees start searching for other jobs? Business Horizons, 61(1): 23-33. LINK.

Bizzi, L. (2017). Network characteristics: When others’ job influence your job. Human Relations, 70: 436-460. LINK.

Bizzi, L. (2017). The strategic role of financial slack on alliance formation, Management Decision, 55: 383:355. LINK.

Bizzi, L., (2015). Social capital in organizations. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 22. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 181–185. 

Bizzi, L. (2013). The dark side of structural holes: A multilevel investigation. Journal of Management, 39, 1554-1578. LINK.

Soda, G. & Bizzi, L. (2012). Think different? An investigation of network antecedents and performance consequences of creativity as deviation, Strategic Organization, 10, 99-127. LINK.

Bizzi, L. & Langley, A. (2012). Studying process in and around networks, Industrial Marketing Management, 41, 224-234. LINK.

Bizzi, L. & Soda, G. (2011). The paradox of chameleons and authentic selves: Self-monitoring, perceived job autonomy, and contextual performance, British Journal of Management, 22, 324-339. LINK.